Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to the Minute Men,

  I'm excited to be starting this dialogue with you all.  For far too long the people of this great nation have been caught languishing between two opposed powers. It is time that we as a people 'dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another'.  It's time that we started thinking for ourselves and start developing new solutions to the world's problems, free from the bounds of established mechanisms. Instead using only our common sense, our consciences, and our life experiences to riddle the conundrums of our times. 

 What I am asking all of us to do will not be easy.  I am asking that we set aside decades of strife and ideological warfare, and come together as free men and women to the table of free exchange.  We must come together now, and experience a 'new birth of freedom', before our liberties are swept away by the slow, and creeping tide of greed.

  The single, most beautiful thing about our society is also our most ugly feature: Our dynamism. Our churning vortex of thought and opinion. The United States is a place where the old and the new clash, come together, and spawn new thoughts and ideas in a continuous maelstrom of progress.  Winston Churchill once remarked that "Americans will always do the right thing...eventually." The 'American Experiment' is...ongoing. It is our lot to be the laboratory of the world. It is our responsibility to find pathways through human existence that leads to a future where freedom, human dignity, equality, justice, and a million other virtues are not only enshrined, but are openly practiced.  For all our faults, all our shortcomings, the beautiful thing about the American Experiment is that constant evolution. 

  Our Founding Fathers possessed a remarkable foresight, they knew that their window to history was a narrow one. That the world of 2050 and beyond would be much different than the world of 1776.  And they even had the foresight to know that they had absolutely no clue what it would look like! And so they made no attempt to limit the possibilities for change; they created a Living Document, a genius and inspired Constitution that could be added to and amended to change and grow with the times.  All under the guiding premise that the government ought to be limited, beholden to the People that gave it power. And that in this way, the People could be free to decide their own destinies and mold their own futures in a land of boundless opportunity.

  We are now the inheritors of a great legacy.  It is up to us to preserve the spirit of the Founding. To hold within our hearts that 'all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness'...  It is in that spirit that we create this forum. A place that is safe from oppression in all it's forms. A place where that wonderful chaos of free thought may take corporeal form to the end of making life better for the people of the world.

   So welcome my friends and countrymen! Let not your mind be weighed down in depressing thoughts of despotism! But rather rejoice in our freedom, and the promise that the future is as bright as we make it...

               “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.” “Science is my passion, politics my duty.”
   - Thomas Jefferson

            Hope you Enjoy!

 Thomas Voigtlaender

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