Thursday, July 18, 2013

   Recently, some people have decided that they hate Orson Scott Card. The author of Ender's Game, a novel that has touched many lives throughout the years and inspired many imaginations, including my own.
Mr. Card is LDS and is morally and religiously opposed to same-sex marriage. He has exercised his Rights to free speech and made his position clear. Others in the opposition to Mr. Card have simi...larly made their position clear. Using very hateful and ignorant language to attack Mr. Card for his intolerance. If you see the profound irony in the above scenario, you are an intelligent person. Here is a sample of some comments:
Ben Plunket writes:" jeebus effinf christmas, wake the eff up people, its not his views, its the fact that he funnels large sums of money into organizations that actively try to take away gays rights, not just on marriage... i hear hitler wrote poetry, own any of his writings? Why not? His works has nothing to do with his views amirite?"
this guy got 16 likes at the time

John Cameron McClain writes: "He's written publicly that he believes marriage equality would lead to the "end of civilization," which means he knows a lot less about reality than he does Science Fiction."
this guy had 245 likes

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Rocks My World writes: "To be honest, the not buying books from someone who believed such things has a point. If he was a passive person who is afraid of homosexuality because he's just one more ignorant then I understand... but if he uses the money he makes to promote his views against homosexuality... which are absolutely horrible, then perhaps I support those who would relinquish his writings in order to stand for what they believe in"

I have a sweet idea. How about we let bygones be bygones? How about we all just let each other live their own lives while we live ours? If Cards ignorance and intolerance connects him with Hitler, let history judge him. Don't make yourself a jackass by calling somebody a jackass.

He is "spreading intolerance" Huh? then what is this thread trying to do? Are you not attempting to discriminate against him because of his views/beliefs? You say that you want equality and tolerance for everyone, yet you are intolerant of everyone who disagrees with you. And the cycle of hatred continues. you so-called "progressives" are just as bad, just as closed minded as the so-called "conservatives" you oppose. Both of you only possess half of the tolerance equation, yet you insist that you corner the market. This type of blind insanity will continue to lead America to its downfall. Until you can finally figure out that equality and tolerance is a two-way street, and that it is necessary to love even the ones who hate you, you will continue to be a ignorant person.

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