Thursday, July 18, 2013

12 Things we can do to 'fix' The United States:
1) Relocate the Capital to a more central location. The country is huge. Why do we still have a capital located on a coast? It would create a sense of unity among the Nation if people on the west and east coast knew that their government wanted to be as close geographically as possible to it's constituents. It would also keep from fostering an East vs. West mentality. The new capital should be located IVO Lebanon, Kansas. The geographical center of the United States. As an added bonus, think of the engineering feat it would be to move the capital a few hundred miles. Can you say: job creation? Think of the spirit of goodwill and brotherhood that would be created as we all participated in the creation of a new world wonder. A modern Metropolis that showcases all the greatest aspects of American Ingenuity... I think it would be truly amazing.  I can see it in my mind's eye. It is glorious.  Think about it. A city where the dreams of the nation are brought to life in material corpus.
2) Revise the tax code. Have every citizen earning an income pay a flat rate percentage on his/her net income for the year. 10% to a rich man is the same as 10% to a poor man. Fair and Equal. In one fell swoop, you eliminated the mass of loopholes that pervades the current system. Millionaires and billionaires would start to bring their revenue back from overseas, as the taxes they were trying to avoid would no longer be there to take said money. Now those billions of dollars will be made more available to re-invest in the economy, instead of stagnating in the Caiman Islands or Zurich.
3) Reinvest in the American People. Lets take a page out of Iceland's book. When they were going through hard economic times, they chose not to bail-out the banks and the big industries, they let them go bankrupt and instead, gave tax-breaks and one-time grants to a majority of private citizens. As a result, their economy is doing fine while the rest of Europe struggles. Imagine what would happen if, say, for one year only, you got your tax return and in it was 300,000 dollars? What would you do with this money? The obvious answer is: pay off debt. the smartest answer is: Invest it. the answer the bulk of Americans will chose is: Spend it. All three answers are good for the economy.
4) Get rid of the two-party system. This is a must. nothing has served better to divide the country than our current system. The reasons I think are obvious, and the effects that it has had on our national culture can be readily seen. Its not good. It needs to go. Dissolve the Democratic National Committee and the Grand Old Party, seize their assets and have the proceeds go to paying down the national debt.
5) Term limits on elected officials need to be more severe. The career politician is strangling the life out of this nation. We need the lay-man's Republic to be restored. Ordinary, civic minded men and women need to step up and lead the nation as it was meant to be led. With a Congress of peers representing the interests and desires of their fellow constituents. This will help to breath new life into our government. The majority of our elected officials are lawyers and businessmen. Where are the Scientists? where are the Engineers? where are the doctors? where are the stay-at-home moms? Where are the Police Officers? Where are the farmers? Where are the teachers? This nation has stagnated because our leaders have a very vanilla life-experience. How can we expect lawyers to write policy for our farmers? How can we expect business people to legislate for our scientists? It doesn't make sense people.
6) Take further steps to rid us of the career politician. Take away their retirement and pensions, and cut their salaries. Have senators and congressmen be paid the average salary of the people in their districts. Have the president be paid the national average salary. All money saved by these cuts should go to paying down the national debt.
7) Create Change in the Federal Executive branch. Dissolve the NSA, ICE,DEA, TSA and other federal law Enforcement. Keep the FBI and invest in them to make them leaner, meaner, and more efficient. Give them the power to perform the duties they were meant to perform: the enforcement of federal law. Domestically, more power and authority should be given to State and local law enforcement. Next, revamp the CIA. Give them the teeth necessary to protect the interests of the United States abroad. If they do their job correctly, we should have less need for stationing troops abroad. By maintaining a silent, and invisible presence abroad, we can do good throughout the world, protect American lives, and strengthen our esteem in the eyes of our of our peers.
We need a leaner, meaner military. Bulk up the Navy and the National Guard. Decrease the Army and place renewed emphasis on Special Forces throughout all of the branches. Increase spending on military R&D with an emphasis on keeping American lives out of harms way. And dramatically decrease our military presence abroad. In essence, exactly what we are doing right now, but at a more aggressive pace. Also, we must keep our promises to the Service men and women of this country. And increase the pay and benefits of the military to increase the attractiveness of service. We must show our gratitude to our military in more than word, this represents a philosophy and policy change acrossed the board when dealing with our military members past and future.
9) We need to reform healthcare. The way to do it is Dr. Benjamin Carson's way: " Here’s my solution. When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record and a health savings account [HSA], to which money can be contributed, pre-tax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members so that when you’re 85 years old and you’ve got 6 diseases, you’re not trying to spend up everything. You’re happy to pass it on and nobody is talking about death panels. That’s number one. Also –
For the people who are indigent, who don’t have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money instead of sending it to bureaucracy – let’s put it into HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care"
10) Reform the welfare system. Now, most of my economic reforms that I have proposed would take care of a lot of the problems of welfare. But there are still so many problems with it, that I could talk all day about reforming welfare. But the thing that would really make the most difference is a general philosophy change, and that is that a welfare system's whole goal should be to get a person off of welfare and into the job-force. Period. With an emphasis on developing job skills, going back to school, learning a trade. The whole culture of living off the government must be destroyed utterly. Now, that is not to say that if you have fallen on hard times and need some help, that the government can't help you out. Everyone experiences hard times. But the government should be a last resort, after your family or church. And the expectation is that you will get a job, and pull yourself out of your hard times. while the government is there simply to ensure that you and your family aren't out on the street and starving while you do it.
11) Create a self-sufficient country. Did you know that France is the only agriculturally self-sustaining country in the world? Its true. If France can do it, so can we. We need to invest heavily in clean, sustainable energy sources. NASA has several ideas to do just that. Mr. Musk also has a lot of ideas. all of which are viable and on the cusp of breakthrough. If we just gave it a little more of a push, we could have an energy self-sustaining country. and we could do it without the controversial coal or nuclear options. Once we solved our energy problem, we could help the entire world. And in so doing, solve our financial woes.
12) Reform higher education. We could easily do a similar thing that we do with healthcare, to our education funds. Give everyone a bank account as soon as they are born that is meant to fund their college education. they can put money in, but they can't take it out until they have graduated from high school. then they can use the money to go to college, or get started in life however they choose. Now they are in control of their own educational destiny. The bottom line is, a person should be able to go to college if they choose, and not come out of it with debt to their eyeballs and not be able to breath clear until they are in their thirtys and fortys.

These are just the ideas that lowly, uneducated Thomas Voigtlaender came up with in his spare time. Think about what could be done if an actual smart person thought for a long time about how to fix the country...
I've got a lot more ideas, hit me up if you want to discuss them. thanks for reading my super-long post. you are a true friend!

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