Thursday, July 18, 2013

   America, Why do we continue to let ourselves be lied to? No matter what side of the political spectrum you belong to, whether you consider yourself Democrat or Republican, you have been repeatedly misled by greedy and wicked men in power. Will you continue to be blinded by the dividing lines of party? Or will you forsake the heinous ties of allegiance to a corrupt brotherhood that left your ideals behind long ago? We have become like the abused spouse, who, despite frequent beatings, continues to return to the offender rationalizing that they somehow didn't mean it and will change...hopefully soon. 
     When will we pack our bags in the dead of night and leave? We have been divided as a people for far too long, led along like captives by our leaders, played against each other in some sick game. The people in power have long known that if we were too busy fighting one another, we could never rise up and see the face of our true enemy, because we were too busy grinding our brother's face in the dust. I recently went on an unfortunate rant against someone from an opposite political view of mine. the subject is unimportant in hindsight, but the hallowed words of Gettysburg echoed in my mind: "I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family" and " A house divided cannot stand". We are fighting against our brothers and sisters. Hatred is destroying this house. I don't think it is too late. If we can "dissolve the political bands that have bound us to another, and assume, among the powers of the Earth, a separate and equal station", If we can find common ground on broad principles that we find to be self evident, Principles like Freedom, Liberty, and Equal Justice before the law, perhaps then we can rise again as a Great Nation.

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